ybm backup policy

Manage cluster backup policies

Use the backup policy resource to change the cluster backup policy, including the following:

  • update the cluster backup policy
  • enable and disable the backup policy
  • display the cluster backup policy

The default policy for clusters is to back up every day with 8-day retention.


Usage: ybm backup policy [command] [flags]


Modify the cluster backup policy:

ybm backup policy update \
    --cluster-name=test-cluster \
    --full-backup-frequency-in-days=2 \



Disable the backup policy for a specified cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster to disable the backup policy for.


Enable the backup policy for a specified cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster to enable the backup policy for.


Display the backup policy of a specified cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster whose policy you want to view.


Update the backup policy of a specified cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster to update the backup policy for.
--full-backup-frequency-in-days Frequency of full backup in days. Default is 1.
--full-backup-schedule-days-of-week Days of the week to run backups. Specify a comma-separated list of the first two letters of the days. For example, MO,WE,SA.
--full-backup-schedule-time Time of day to run backups. Specify local time in 24 hr HH:MM format. For example, 15:04.
--incremental-backup-frequency-in-minutes Frequency of incremental backups in minutes. Default is 60.
--retention-period-in-days Required. Retention period for the backup in days. Default is 1.