ybm integration

Manage integration configuration

Use the integration resource to create integration configurations for third-party tools. Integrations can then be assigned to clusters to export metrics and logs to third-party tools.


Usage: ybm integration [command] [flags]


Create a configuration:

ybm integration create \
    --config-name datadog1 \
    --type DATADOG \
    --datadog-spec api-key=efXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXee,site=US1



Create an integration configuration.

Flag Description
--config-name Required. Name for the integration configuration.
--type Required. The third party tool to export to. Options: DATADOG, GRAFANA, SUMOLOGIC.
--datadog-spec Required for type DATADOG. The Datadog export details, provided as key-value pairs.
  • api-key - your Datadog API key.
  • site - your Datadog site parameters.
--grafana-spec Required for type GRAFANA. The Grafana Cloud export details, provided as key-value pairs.
  • access-policy-token - your Grafana Cloud token.
  • org-slug - your organization name.
  • instance-id - your Grafana Cloud instance ID.
  • zone - your Grafana Cloud instance zone.
--sumologic-spec Required for type SUMOLOGIC. The Sumo Logic export details, provided as key-value pairs.
  • access-key - your Sumo Logic access key.
  • access-id - your Sumo Logic access ID.
  • installation-token - your Sumo Logic installation token.


Delete a specified integration configuration. You can't delete configurations that are in use by a cluster.

Flag Description
--config-name Required. Name of the integration configuration.


List the integration configurations.