analyze schema reference

yb-voyager analyze schema

Analyse the PostgreSQL schema dumped in the export schema step.


yb-voyager analyze-schema [ <arguments> ... ]


The valid arguments for analyze schema are described in the following table:

Argument Description/valid options
-e, --export-dir Path to the export directory. This directory is a workspace used to store exported schema DDL files, export data files, migration state, and a log file.
-h, --help Command line help.
--output-format Format in which the report file is generated. One of html, txt, json, or xml. If not provided, reports are generated in both json and html formats by default.
‑‑send‑diagnostics Enable or disable sending diagnostics information to Yugabyte.
Default: true
Accepted parameters: true, false, yes, no, 0, 1
-y, --yes Answer yes to all prompts during the export schema operation.
Default: false
Accepted parameters: true, false, yes, no, 0, 1


yb-voyager analyze-schema --export-dir /dir/export-dir --output-format txt